Sustainable Chemistry and Quantum Technologies


Group Agenda

ReDivaLan      RelaxMax     NiCatEther

LanAsCat     PhiBond

Ph.D. scholarships:

We will look for several highly motivated students in 2023. Please get in touch with us!

- Possible thesis topic on the graduate school website (look for LCM)
- One Ph.D. student position open with G. Nocton and G. Danoun

Post-doc position:

- One Research engineer position is open with G.Danoun, and G. Nocton
- One post-doc position in inorganic nuclear synthesis

Master and undergraduate students:

Master and undergraduate students are welcome to apply any time of the year !! In France, a small salary (around 600 euros/month) is provided for any student that we will consider for joining the group.

Please send us a CV and a motivation letter with a research statement.